How to play chess (beginners)
Chess is a game known for strategic planning and a fun to play game . Chess has 5 different kinds of pieces called rook , bishop , knight , queen , king , pawns . It has 2 colors black and white and white always starts first . The main aim the player is to put the opponent into a checkmate .
- Pawn
At the starting of the game all the pawns are located at the 2nd (white) and 7th (black) rows they can move 2 squares when it's their first move .
After that they can only move 1 square , pawns are also the only pieces which cannot go backwards.
Pawns can only capture pieces diagonally
Pawns also have an ability , if they reach their opposite end they can get promoted into queen , rook , knight and bishop ; that means you can have multiple queens on the board ! pretty cool right , it requires a lot of planning and strategy to reach there.
Knights are honestly my favorite piece holding a value of 3 points each , move in a L shaped pattern, they also have an ability to jump over opponent's pieces and their own ! And they can also move back too.
Bishops are also 3 pointers there are 2 types of bishop of each color one only moves one dark squares one only moves at light squares , they have a diagonal movement and are also a very important piece in the game of chess.
These pieces are crucial being a 5 pointer piece located at the corner of boards they can move vertically and horizontally both , these rooks are a life saver in the endgames of chess .
Queen is the most powerful piece on the board having a 9 pointer bounty over them , they must be protected well , a queen can move vertically, diagonally and horizontally , a queen is like the heart of the game so make sure before you go on using your queen think as it can cost you the game.
Now finally , the king , it is the weakest piece of the game it can only move square in any direction, if your king is being attacked it's called a check which can removed when u move your king to a safe square or is blocked by your own piece , when the king is under check and has no where to move nor can it be protected, it's checkmate ..
There are some basic things you need to know while playing a match.
Well , the game of chess is not only a matter of winning or losing it can also end in draws
When the the game comes in a certain position when the opponent king is not under check and no other move is possible for him it is called stalemate which ends in a draw , these are quite common and have to be looked upon to enter stalemate
In this example , a silly move by white ends the game into a stalemate as black can't move anything , nor is the king is in check , thus drawing a game
-Draw by lack of pieces
Sometimes the game gets very long and the game comes down to few pieces left draw by lack of piece takes place when there is no possible way for delivering checkmate the most common case is when only kings are left on board .
Case 1: only kings are left
Case 2: only one knight or bishop left left with kings on board
-Draw by agreement
Sometimes when a player feels that the game will end in a draw or finds another reason for a draw the player can offer draw to other player , it's on to the other player to accept the draw or reject it.
- Draw by 50 move rule
If a piece has not been captured for the last 50 moves , to prevent extremely long games it is declared a draw.
- Draw by 3 fold repetition
When both players play the same move continously 3 times is called a draw
- Draw by a dead position
A situation when both players cannot deliver checkmate due to the position on board
Now we about the outcomes of the games
Let's learn about some important things while in a match ,
The game is divided into opening , middle game and endgame
Let's start with openings ,
The Golden Squares
The main reason for openings is to fight for a good questions , develop all the pieces and for centre squares which I like to call the Golden squares which are E4 , E5 , D4 and D5 these squares are very important and there are certain openings to fight for them called BOOK MOVES.
Before starting with book moves let's learn about a special move called castling.
Kings are the most precious piece of the game and we need to keep him safe , they are quite in danger in the middle of the board , so we can castle it on the either side of the board . Castling is basically moving squares 2 sides to either side and getting rook on the square where the king was originally, it basically switching places . Also remember u can only castle when the king has not moved and when the rook has not moved , also u can only castle when the bishop and knight moves or when the queen , bishop and knight move .
King side castle
Queen side castling
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